The COVID-19 pandemic still affects the education system in our country and face-to-face classes are still not allowed. Many of the young Filipinos especially in the primary level experience difficulties in learning and adjusting in this new normal system.

As a public-school teacher, I witness the struggle experienced by my learners and their parents to be able to cope up with the lessons and modules that we provide for them. It really saddens us educators because many of our learners are not yet prepared in this kind of education set up, especially pupils who don’t have gadgets and access to the internet. As a result, the percentage of non-reader and non- writer rose compared to the pre-pandemic years. This gives us the inspiration to come up with a Project that will help the learners to learn the basic 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic). Project Batibot is inspired by our favorite Educational TV Program in the 90s – BATIBOT where we learn the alphabets, numbers, songs and how to read. We want the new generation to be able to experience the fun of learning through reading, writing, and singing. We want them to dream amidst the pandemic.

Project Batibot has 3 phases, 1 is planning that included looking for sponsors, building the Batibot Kubo, and briefing the partner school. Phase 2 where we provide materials, activities, and video lessons that the pupils can use. Phase 3 is assessing the pupils on their reading and writing skills. As we enter a new school year, we are now preparing for phase 2 of the project.