For the past 11 years of my life, I do really involve myself in the world of Rotary. It was year 2010 when I became a member of the Interact Club of Carmona. During that moment, all I want to do is to explore, meet new friends and find out what are the things that an interactor is doing. But, as time passed by, I had an opportunity to attend some of the district events like the District Assembly (DISTAS) that held in some of the prestigious universities in the Philippines like De La Salle University (DLSU) and University of Santo Tomas (UST). With great experiences that I had because of attending different district activities, it develops my personality and helps me to imagine and dream for my future someday. It was 2012 when I was elected as President of IAC Carmona. Right after graduating from high school, my good friend, Diana Rose Peralta-Rivera invited me to join Rotaract, she always invited me to join Rotaract activities even before I became an official member of the Rotaract Club of Carmona. Finally, year 2014 when I officially got in as a member of the Rotaract Club of Carmona. My Rotaract Journey had a great impact on who am I today.
A lot of things happened that help me grow as a person. There are five priceless reasons, perks, and advantages of becoming a rotaractor. First, we had an opportunity to serve other people. I have experience helping the community – reaching out to those people who need help, appreciating, and being grateful for all the blessings that we received. Second, fun and entertainment. I enjoy differentiated club activities like fellowships, meetings, team building activities that strengthen our relationship with our co-rotaractor. Third, gaining friends. Through this organization, I met new friends not just within our club but all over the Philippines or even outside our country. We met new friends and got the chance to know, understand and learn about their cultures. Fourth, Leadership Development. As they say, “Everyone can be a leader, but only a few can be a good leader.” Rotaract hone the leadership skills of its members through seminars, training, and the likes. Lastly, Self and Professional Development. Before we can serve, inspire and lead, we should first develop our skills and abilities. Rotaract is indeed the best organization to stretch out our abilities to the maximum and develop us to be the best version of ourselves.

Of course, being part of this organization is no joke. It seems like you are working in a company because you need to do reports, write-ups, update members, attend training, and many more. When I became the President of our club, I am struggling with how I can manage my time properly because I also have work to do every day. I doubted myself that I can’t do it. Fortunately, I have very hardworking members and officers that are always beside me. Day by day I always check my schedule, I even do a “To-do List” to know what to accomplish for the day and I guess it works as our club was awarded as Overall Most Outstanding Community-Based Club.
For being a rotaractor for quite some time, the best advice that I can give to all the new and aspiring rotaractors is, explore the organization, learn every corner of it. Whenever that we feel tired, just take a rest then, stand up and continue to serve the community. We have a different perspective in life and the way I see the organization is different from all of you, so know your purpose in the organization. You will not lose anything but, you’ll be better.
To lead and serve my club and the premier district is indeed the best experience that I had in my entire Rotaract Journey. Never did I imagine that I can lead this organization, it feels like I am still dreaming but I am so honored to be one.
As a rotaractor, there are many ways to help the organization. From the very beginning, our mantra is to LEAD.SERVE.INSPIRE. I learn to take a LEAD, SERVE other people and INSPIRE other rotaractors and aspiring rotaractors to be one us. I also contributed to the Rotary Foundation under Polio Plus Fund.
Building good relationships among other members is the key factor for successful leadership. Communication is the key to everything – I learn to communicate with my fellow rotaractors properly, cascade, and disseminate information. I find time to help interactors whenever they need it. Of course, we build trust among our Rotarians in the district. They must feel that we are trustworthy and capable of leading a club or district. Overall, we have a harmonious relationship with our dear interactors and Rotarians. We value and recognize that all of us play a vital role to have a successful rotary year.

Aside from the perks and advantages of being a Rotaractor, the very reason why I stay in the organization is that I am happy with what I’m doing. I am happy to share my skills and feel fulfilled whenever I am serving the people in need. Happiness and willingness to grow and learn are the reasons why I stay in the organization.
Conducting training and seminars is one way to mentor other members and leaders of the district. We have differentiated activities for them to grow and learn about the organization.
As John Kotter once said, ” Leadership defines what the future should look like to align people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacle.”
I always believe that our little actions today will eventually lead us to a much bigger result of changing lives.