Leading an organization is a tough responsibility as it requires time and effort to make things work according to what is planned.
Philippines is composed of 10 Rotary International Districts and each District has its own leaders, working together for the community. A District Governor (DG) as head of the Rotary makes sure that Rotaractors are doing well under the leadership of their District Rotaract Representative (DRR).
The common bond between Rotarians and Rotaractors should be strengthened because the latter are dubbed as future Rotarians who will continue the selfless service of the family international community organization.
With the start of the Rotary Year 2021-2022, a new breed of leaders are working for their respective districts. In this story, let us know the vision and plans of five of our Life Changing DGs and DRRs of the Philippines.
District 3770
District Rotaract Representative Daniel Balubal

Our district will be a home of Rotaractors with passion, dedication and patriotism. The number of clubs will increase so is the quality and competent future leaders of our district on their way to be paragons of their own fields. Rotaractors will also be Rotarians in the near future as their love for the organization grows.
District Governor Arturo Que

Continue to develop innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges as you develop leadership and professional skills, having fun through service. One of the noblest purpose of Rotary life is to grow and to share, and as such, challenges and trials are all parts of life that makes life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. As I always say, Rotary is an ART of LOVE, let’s share the LOVE, let’s share ROTARY.
District 3790
District Rotaract Representative Fielson Murillo

As the DRR of RID3790, I envisioned the continuous promotion of high ethical standards in the professional lives of the Rotaractors and to practice the Four Way Test of Rotary International in the things they think, say or do in their everyday lives.
In order to achieve this vision, the District should provide an opportunity for the Rotaractors to develop themselves socially, professionally, emotionally, and intellectually, to enhance their knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between people nationally and internationally through a framework of friendship and service. It should also aim to develop professional and leadership skills, to emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual, and to provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people.
Governor Wilfredo “Willie” Serafica
One of the areas of focus which we will tackle for the RY 2021-2022 is empowerment of girls. There are a lot of young girls today , who because of poverty, poor performing schools and teen violence ,find temporary shortlived solace with early marriage which sometimes lead them to abuse and life deterioration. Our Rotary can change their lives by equipping them with counselling, education, training on how to handle their relationship and families. Demonstration of livelihood projects could aid them in starting small businesses not only augmenting source of living but building their self confidence. One way to avoid falling into early marriage is to show a lot of encouragement to keep our young girls in school and finish secondary education which could bring better perspective for their future.
District 3800
District Rotaract Representative Julie Abante

One Rotary Family is what I envisioned to our District, wherein we are enjoying the unity of serving to change lives, to see more clubs creating sustainable and high impact projects, while preparing each Rotaractor for the application of Elevate Rotaract.
District Governor Augie Soliman

I want to see Rotarians unite and take actions to serve and change lives in the community we serve. More clubs should accomplish High Impactful Projects thru Global Grants and thru more partnerships. We will aim for the highest Global Grant projects approvals in the country.
District 3820
District Rotaract Representative Christian de Borja

I envision our Rotaract clubs to become trailblazers that is as impactful as Rotary within our district, while simultaneously fostering unity, strength, professionalism and excellence amongst clubs.
Being the district with the highest number of Rotaract Clubs in the Philippines, we will put emphasis on providing a fun and vibrant Rotaract experience to our Rotaractors, while utilizing the leadership skills and creativity of each Rotaractor so we can improve the overall quality of our service to the communities and each other.
District Governor Angelita Sunio

As the District Governor of District 3820, having the largest membership in the Philippine Districts, I will promote continued recruitment through “Each One ,Bring One “ RI mantra. D3820 will not only reach its District membership goal of a 10 per cent increase from 4,119 members but will ensure recruitment of qualified members only.
District 3820 will not only cover the RI Seven Areas of Focus but focus on service projects that are sustainable and life changing through good assessment of the need of the community we serve in.
District 3820 will also deliver its target of Annual Fund giving and End Polio fund for Rotary year 2021-2022 through Rotarians generosity and implementing high impactful projects. District 3820 will take the high road of integrity, truth, accountability, and governance while serving as role models in our communities.
District 3850
District Rotaract Representative Christian Paul Santiago

Working hand-in-hand in the re-engagement between the Rotary Clubs and its sponsored Rotaract Clubs and Interact Clubs through the One Rotary-Rotaract-Interact Synergy. And with the Elevate Rotaract, we are equipping the Rotaract Clubs to be more informed with The Rotary Foundation, and to have more international collaborations and agreements.
District Governor Edwin To

For District 3850, we like to combine the stamina of the dynamic Rotaractors and the experience of the seasoned Rotarians to serve to change lives. This will be done by asking the host Rotary club to re-engage with the Rotaract club they formed.