On the 7th of August 2023, the Rotaract Club of Western Mindanao State University participated in the Western Mindanao State University Open House, hosted by the Office of Student Affairs and Services, an initiative taken by the OIC. Director of OSAS, Asso., Prof., Roel F. Marcial to welcome all of the freshmen students that were accepted into the university of choice and to introduce the various clubs, organizations and societies it has to offer to those who seek for social growth in the academic, volunteering, environmental, and political community.

Acknowledging that August is the Rotary Membership and New Club Development Month, the executive officers of RACWMSU understood that it was a great opportunity and coincidence that the start of the academic school year falls in the same month, so starting on its first week, we decided to participate in the Open House as a promotional engagement for the club to introduce itself to the student body, highlighting its objectives not only as a club but as Rotaract itself, introducing the community-based and other school-based Rotaracts in the city, and emphasizing its goal to serve the community without desiring for any compensation other than the gratitude we receive from those whom we’ve helped. During the whole program, the Rotaractors of RACWMSU showed true comradery and fellowship among themselves as they helped set-up and prepare the booth, handed out fliers and brochures with the club’s information, and aided in manning the booth, introducing the club to freshmen and returning students who may become their future club mates.

With all this, we are not only looking for members for the sake of looking, we are looking for members who we see have a clear passion for volunteerism, who have the potential to be part of those who are building a brighter future led by the youth of today. This month, the club opens for those who wish to become a Rotaractor, one of us whose main goal is to solve problems that are faced by those who are less fortunate, to answer the call that many before us have answered. The club is looking for Rotaractors who will embody the words we live by; “Service Above Self” and who will carry those words into their adulthood and their entire life. We believe that in every crowd, there is a Rotaractor, in body and in spirit, they may not carry the name of a Rotaract club, but they carry the same fire we strive hard to keep alight and carry the same principles we live by and we swear to.
In today’s world, where the youth is slowly becoming apathetic, let us shine a light that will take their attention, build roads for them to walk on to, and show them the way to self-fulfillment, leadership growth, and active citizenship.
To be a Rotaractor is a commitment made to oneself, your club, and the community you serve.

Ha Kamatauran, in Rotaractor yan Hadja
Words by: Jamaica Andrade & Hashina Salahuddin, Rotaract Club of Western Mindanao State University
Ha ika 7th sin August 2023, in Rotaract Club sin Western Mindanao State University miyagad pa Western Mindanao State University pagukab bay, in nagpanjari sin parkalah dain ha opis sin Student Affairs and Services, in nagpikil kiyawasin OIC. Director sin OSAS, Asso., Prof.., Roel F. Marcial para gawihun in mga bago murid nakawa magiskul, iban pyaingat iban pyahati kanila in mga dugaing clubs, oranizations iban societies na ahun ipatukbal kanila mga naglalawag para social growth nila bng sila nagiiskul, tumabang, environmental iban political kauman.

Pagpaingat sin ha August in Rotary Membership iban bago Club Development bulan, in executive officers sin RACWMSU kyahatihan na malagguh katabagan ini iban nagsahbuh ha pagukab sin tahun sin pagiskul sibuh bulan, na tiyagnaan muna hangkapito, mag pikil sila na magad pa ukab bay bat sab kakilahan sin tao in mga nahinang na sin club, bat mapakila kanila bang uno in student body, pyatampal in mga kakahinang sin club sin Rotaract, pyakila ini na in club ini para ha iskul sadja. Sah in kabaan nila ini makatabang pa raayat, bang kami katumtuman da in tabang nahinang namo, malagguh pag sarangsukol na yattu. Ha hangka adlaw parkala, in Rotaractors nagtabang iban piyakita ha mga kakasi in pagtabang ha booth, nagdihil mga brochures iban fliers pa mga batah iskul mabaya magad pa club ini.
Ha katan ini, bukun lang kami limawag mga members para lang ha paglawag, limalawag kami members na kabaan nila tuod in tumabang pa tao, amun ahun sila kaya huminang malingkat susugan, amun makaya niya tumindog iban mahinang suntuan para ha katan. Ha bulan ini, in club nagukab para ha mga mabaya magad iban mahinang Rotaractor na hi siyo man parayahun in mga iyanun nila, mas muna in pagtabang dain sin baran, iban hi siyo man mara nila ini sambil mahiang maas na suntuan ini pa kabuhi mo. Magkahagad kami na mataud tao, ahun tuod rotaractor, ha pagkabuhi, dih man nila mara in ngan sin Rotaract Club, sah marah nikla in sibuh kayuh na pyagtuyuan bat mabuhi ra masi, pa kabuhi iban pagjanji.

Ha adlaw sin dunya ini, nang hain in mga batah malallay na mahinang makaulong, sung kita sumawa pa ilaw na makawa in atensyon nila, huminang dan para ahun pagpanawan nila, iban pakitaun kanila in dan pa in karawan sin hambuok guro, iban daran timatabang pa raayat.
Bang kaw mahinang Rotaractor subay kabayaan mo tuod yan pa baran mo, in club, iban sin kauman na toboggan mo.