Year 2020 when I become a part of the club as an aspirant and to be honest I was not that totally active in the club or even at least join monthly meetings, I somewhat regretted those days that I wasn’t able to take part my responsibility as an aspirant in the club. Hence, that won’t stop me to continue my journey on this club and become a member.

As summer vacation came, I finally got to join some online activities in the club despite my hectic schedule doing my part time job and taking my summer classes. It was a great deal to experience such responsibilities in the club while having my school works because it helps me to be more productive on those days. That was the time I got to realize that it was a great opportunity to be part of some activities in the club especially when I got to join my first major activity and that was the “INTER-RAC Wave 2”. I was able to represent our hometown, joined the the travel vlog where we showed some of the tourist spots and delicious delicacies/specialties in the Philippines. I also got to experience being facilitator on that day. Having done all of these, I was beyond grateful to the club for giving me a chance to do it.

I consider Rotaract people as my family. I met a lot of individuals that helped me create memories. Rotaract is one of the reasons why I got to join several of organizations in our school. Despite being an introvert person, I still cannot believe I joined 7 organizations this year. I am not that responsible to handle all of it, but I am halfway there to finish the school year and I was able to manage all of it. Many people believe in me, one of them is my Rotaract family, they never fail to encourage and support me all the way.
Before 2022 ended, I was able to join a Rotary activity on Rizal Day held in Puting Bato, Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del Norte, hosted by Central Cabadbaran Rotary Club and in partnership with 29th Infantry Batallion. That activity was all about “Orientation on Modus Operande on Child Recruitment and Exploitation and Gift-giving to IDPs”. It was my first time to join outside of school based Rotaract activity, and it was a great experience, my heart is full that I was able to witness the smiling faces of our Manobo’s.
It was indeed a very overwhelming imaginative Rotary year, and I am truly grateful to be part of this. Together, we take action as we continue our service in the community and prioritize the Rotary’s goals and objectives.