The Rotaract Club of Valenzuela is a community-based club chartered on January 08, 1997. After leaving the limelight for 16 years, the club was re-organized by former members of the Rotaract Club of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela who graduated from the academy and missed the Rotaract Life. During one of their fellowship nights, these members reminisced about the fun that they had during their RAC PLV days and decided to ask for their sponsoring club, the Rotary Club of Valenzuela, a blessing to organize a community-based club. Since then, the club continued to touch the lives of our community which gave us the opportunity to bag numerous awards from the district.

Staying strong with 21 young professionals as of today, the Rotaract Club of Valenzuela has already faced highs and lows. Having some of the club’s pioneer members heading towards becoming full-pledged Rotarians, the club also encounters difficulties and struggles especially in membership growth and retention but it is the love of the family that binds the clubl together. The members treat each other as family sharing every victory and defeat that the club encounters as years pass by. RAC Valenzuela is also blessed to have a sponsoring Rotary Club whose guidance and support is always there wherever we go.

The club takes pride in various activities that they continue to conduct through the years. These are the activities which are close to the members’ hearts: RAC N’ LOVE for 6 years already with our sister club RAC Dasmariñas City; PASALUBONG SA PAG-LOVEbas now on its 4th year and OLDIES TIME, now on its 5th year. These projects continued to bring joy to our partner organizations. Seeing them happy and letting them know that there is always someone that remembers them is already an accomplishment for the club.

RAC Valenzuela believed that aside from producing quality projects and serving the community, one of the biggest contributions of the club to the Rotaract world is becoming the home club of three (3) District Rotaract Representatives that gave honor to the district. The club have nurtured and honed these leaders who led the district: PDRR Aldryn Munsayac, R.Y. 2015-2016, PDRR Remark Acuña, R.Y. 2018-2019 and Life Changing DRR Julie Abante, R.Y. 2021-2022.
Receiving various recognitions from the district and from its partner organizations gave the club so much joy, but the fulfillment in their hearts, the lessons they have learned from each other and the joy that each project gave to its members are what truly matters to the club.

As years go by, the club wishes for its family to grow, soar high and continuously serve and change lives for in the coming Rotary years. Amidst challenges that we are facing right now, the club is confident that as long as they have each other’s support, they can carry on.