December marks the mid-year of the current Rotary year. This is the best time to show the statistics of Rotaractors not only in the Philippines but worldwide as well. As of December 2021, the total number of reported Rotaractors in the Philippines is 14, 154. This number is composed of 9, 112 Community-based clubs and 5, 042 University/School based clubs.

2021 was still a rough year for the Rotaract Community as the Pandemic does not seem to show any signs of ending anytime soon which can greatly affect the membership growth and engagement in each club. Luckily, as seen in the current statistics, the percentage of membership growth seems to be increasing slowly in most districts in the Philippines. Applauding the great efforts of the clubs on doing a job well done on promoting Rotaract and Rotary International to their respective communities. Exerting extra effort to further expand our reach as part of our RI strategic priorities. As clubs are preparing for the Elevate Rotaract in the coming Rotary year, membership growth is one of the key factors that would be greatly affected by the changes.

If the current trend of membership growth increases more, the Rotaract Goals set by Rotary International should be achieved by the year 2029. However, there seems to be a challenge in achieving our current goals for the year 2022 with the current statistics that we have. But this will all be turned 180 degrees if all Rotaractors work hand in hand to achieve the common goal of expanding our reach within our communities.
“Credits to Pilipinas MDIO Statistics Associate Shevee Resolado for the summarized data.”