The establishment of the concept of Edukabayan stems from the aim to educate the nation and to pave the way for the participation of the youth in the process of nation building and progress. As a part of the rotaract club and being youths ourselves, we seek to continuously take part in the efforts to contribute to our society and take part in the development process of the country. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the government’s efforts to proceed with this significant endeavor.
Our PYDP Champion, CP. Dee Hajal greatly contributed to the empowerment of the youth by engaging with them against the backdrop of the philippine youth development plan, which is a pivotal framework for youth development and long term sustainability. Our president, LCP Arjun, an Agriculture Student enhanced the knowledge of the indigenous youth on the importance of food security and financial literacy, which will be extremely beneficial for their overall stability and will be a fundamental key in attaining a sustainable future.
The Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga is a YORP based organization of the National Youth Commission, which has has provided a significant number of opportunities for us and with that we were invited to join the Local Youth Development Council of our city and elected as the representative of the Active citizenship in our LYDC.
The Philippine government has adopted a comprehensive national policy on youth – the Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) 2017-2022 which seeks to enable, promote and ensure the youth’s active, meaningful and holistic participation in society in furtherance of their rights and welfare.
Our public image director, Rtr.Soleil who is also a psychology major and an advocate of gender equality, discussed the necessity of the safe space act. Being residents of a remote island, the information provided to them is of utmost relevance especially at a time when sexually induced crimes are notorious and rampant. This will allow them to know what to do and how to prepare and protect themselves. The Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga will go to great lengths for the purpose of taking part in the important process of empowering and serving those who are in need because our principles revolve around the notion that no one should be left behind, regardless of his or her state in society.
One of our members in Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga , CP.Dee Hajal is a staunch PYPD champion representing the International Programs Unit of NYC and we are truly privileged to have her who is steadfast and committed to the foundations of the PYDP and as a PYDP Champions ,it is their purpose is to assure that the principles of the PYPD are efficiently reflected in our actions and frameworks.
One of our key beneficiaries are the indigenous youth in a remote island who have low access to resources from the government. We make it a point to spearhead developmental initiatives for their progress.They took part in the discussion of significant issues such as the Philippine Youth Development Plan, Food Security and the Safe space act.
As a Rotaractor, we are one with the Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) 2017-2022, which aims to enable, promote and ensure the youth’s active, meaningful and holistic participation in society in furthering their rights and welfare.