In line with the 2nd National HIV Prevention Month in our country, The Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente University of the Visayas Chapter (RAC CF – UV) commenced H.A.P.P.Y. (HIV AIDS PREVENTION AND PROTECTION FOR THE YOUTH) Webinar to raise awareness, expand the knowledge and crush the claptraps given on HIV AIDS as a disease last August 21, 2021, via Zoom Cloud Meetings.

The seminar ended with a huge success, gathering different places around the Philippines to join and learn more about the disease through the outstanding speaker, Christian Rey Lapay, PRN. He is passionate in creating a difference through HIV awareness and delightfully answered the participants’ questions. It was truly a remarkable and very informative webinar which brought more knowledge and understanding to all.
HIV has been one of the cases in the Philippines with surging cases aside from Covid-19. This led to a lot of assumptions of this disease like how Covid misinformation is rampant. RACCF UV has been very vocal in its fight against HIV-AIDS since RY 2019-2020 with Past President Justin paving the way with this project. With its transition to an online platform, the seminar welcomed different school organizations, other Rotaract clubs, and professionals. It is evident that people want to educate themselves better and find ways how they can take action to spread awareness.

The fight against discrimination towards PLHIV (Persons Living with HIV) continues even this pandemic season. As Rotaractors and People of Action, we can start here and continue advocating for awareness and prevention.