The Joy of Serving Kept Us Going

By admin | Posted on June 16, 2021

The June 2021 issue of the Philippine Rotaract Magazine recounts on the remarkable Rotary year that was. Despite the various challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the limitation on face-to-face interactions, Rotaractors in the Philippines had been successful in strengthening connections here and abroad as well as in collaborating for service projects that helped communities endure the effects of the pandemic. 

All of the successes were made possible because Rotaractors held onto fellowship through service, that they can surpass the challenges by working together, that they can turn the challenges as opportunities to become even better.

Rotaractors also reflect on the key lessons that they learned during the pandemic that will inspire them as they transition to a new Rotary year with the call to continue serving and changing lives, no matter what additional known or unknown challenges they may face in the future. 

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