Why should Filipinos Register to Vote

By Jhiwel Caranglan | Posted on October 22, 2021

Voting is one of the most important ways for citizens to influence governmental decision-making. Everyone has the opportunity to participate directly or through freely chosen representatives in the government of their country. Thus, everyone has the right of equal access to public service in their country.

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According to The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines—Article V that states “Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year, and in the place wherein they propose to vote, for at least six months immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.” This implies that, as a citizen of this country, voting is more than just exercising your rights; it is also a means of choosing a public official who is most deserving of the position. Let us be accountable and responsible in deciding who will be our country’s next leaders. 

Therefore, why should we register to vote? Having the right to vote benefits us in many ways. In such, having the opportunity to vote grants us enormous freedom as citizens. Voting is one of the most effective ways for us to affect societal change; who we vote for will influence our country’s future. Also, our civil rights are better protected when we vote. You can use your vote to ensure that your rights are not taken away by being educated. Additionally, it empowers us by putting authority in the hands of ordinary people like you and me, rather than politicians.

As a citizen of this country, we encourage every one of us to be the start of change and be responsible by registering and voting for this upcoming election. As Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the CHANGE that you wish to see in the world”.

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