In the heart of every community lies an unspoken commitment to take care of its most vulnerable members. Today, amidst the addiction to junk and fast food options, the idea of nourishing our children with nutritious meals has become challenging. One of the most profound ways this compassion manifests is through community projects dedicated to feeding children. Rotaractors and Interactors of Hundred Islands noticed children of Palali street in Alaminos City indulge themselves with unhealthy snacks, unconcerned for their overall health and wellbeing. Herewith, the clubs initiated a hope-creating project last July 2023.
Tamang Nutrisyon para sa Henerasyon sparked smiles to the faces of the children as they were given unexpected healthy snacks consisting of: Malunggay cookies, squash sticks, potato sticks, and Milo energy drink. Crafting a balanced snack requires striking the right balance between taste and nutrition. Integrating a variety of food groups ensures that kids receive a well-rounded nutritional boost. This creates a balanced approach of tasty and healthy.

Malunggay cookies: drying and smashing of malunggay leaves give the cookie a slight taste of herby flavor and a dash of sweetness, while giving loads of nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus. This helps strengthen the immune system, lowers cholesterol, and improves motor skills. The fried squash sticks have a nutty flavor and creamy texture, giving the children a fresh perspective to squashes while giving them its nutritional components. This snack is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C, providing a healthy vision and supports immune health. The potato sticks and Milo energy drink are, no doubt, fan-favorites. With their high amount of fiber, it would help regulate sugar levels of the children while they get to enjoy their favorite snacks.
Along with the distribution of snacks, the Rotaractors and Interactors also focused on nourishing the mind as they incorporated story-telling and playing games in their program. This created an interactive environment and boosted a sense of excitement as they were also awarded with prizes of toys, coloring books, for their participation.

As brothers and sisters of the kids, we play a vital role in shaping their mindset and dietary habits. By providing these nutritious snacks, participants were able to satisfy their sweet tooth, but also contributed to their overall growth and development. As hope-creating leaders, we put a focus to transformative projects that offer healthy snacks to kids, not only addressing the immediate need for sustenance, but also sowing the seeds of hope, harmony, and empowerment.