Through the knowledge of the Immediate Past Chairperson of the Asia-Pacific Rotaract Multi-District Information Organization, PDRR Louie Boy De Real, more than a hundred Rotaractors learned how to make a project proposal patterned to the Global Grant application.

Aside from the parts of the Global Grant project proposal template that were discussed by PDRR De Real, he also tackled the 5 elements of project design viewed as necessary in project planning, execution, and assessment. He believes that these points would be helpful for Rotaract Clubs as they are now qualified to submit Global Grant applications, as stated in the Rotary policy updates.
After a thirty-minute discussion, the participants met with their group members again for the distribution of tasks and discussion of their initial plans for creating project proposals.

PP Giovanni Angara from Rotaract Club of Lucena South facilitates a breakout room, while participants manage brainstorming.
Meanwhile, cadre leaders from The Rotary Foundation were invited to discuss the fundamentals of
the seven areas of focus for the next training session. These technical coordinators provide technical expertise to enhance project quality.
The first and second days of IRS were hosted by the Rotaract Club of Lucena South.