To formulate and finalize the community service project proposals of each participating group in the International Rotaract Summit (IRS) 2023, the delegates with their team had a brainstorming during the fourth day of the event.
Thereafter the recapitulation made by President Mariel Encinares of Rotaract Club of Metro Sorsogon, focusing on the topics discussed during the third day of the Summit, the delegates set a seal on disseminating the tasks and the focus of their schemes patterned to the Global Grant Project Template.

To complete the information needed to be placed on the template and submit their final outputs, the delegates were given five days to make all the materials settled before the day of the proposal presentation.

The central committee of IRS 2023 invited 6 judges composed of Past Multi-District Information Organization Chairs, a professor, a project management officer, and a graduate student of Development Communication.