Ad Astra: Above and Beyond – this was the theme of the 15th Induction and Handover Ceremonies of the Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente – University of San Carlos; a reminder that as Rotaractors, we always go above and beyond in fulfilling our mission of service to the community.
As a newly inducted member of the club, August 20, 2022, was one unforgettable night, not only because of the fellowship experiences (meeting new people, creating new relationships, and forging a bond) but because it signified that I am now part of the ongoing mission of Rotary and Rotaract.

Invited Rotarians imparted an important message to all of us – a reminder of Rotary’s Motto: SERVICE ABOVE SELF. They reminded us that in everything we do, we should apply this maxim and incorporate the Four-Way Test as the basis of our actions to help advance the Objectives of Rotary.
Pablo Picasso, an innovative and influential artist, once said “Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.”

This year’s Rotary theme, Imagine Rotary, challenges all Rotarians and Rotaractors to imagine a transformed world where possibilities are endless and dreams are turned into realities. In a world where people are oppressed and hindered from dreaming big, we are urged to take a leap of faith, dream big, and make a difference.

Rotary’s President, Jennifer Jones, says, “We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice, Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.” As Rotarians and Rotaractors, may we be inspired by these words and continue to always take initiative, have courage in dreaming big, and take action, and one day, we may all live in a world where we have transformed all our imagination into reality.