Many have been a testament to the service and dedication of this month’s RACstar, PRM Managing Editor JN Vianney.
He is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Cebu – Banilad Campus where his passion for volunteering, serving humanity, and leadership started. While he was working, he enrolled and studied Diploma for Professional Education at Cebu Technological University-Main Campus and then took the Philippine Licensure Examination for Teachers and passed. He is currently working as an Ophthalmic Nurse in Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu.
In 2013, he joined Rotaract activities and was finally inducted a year after with the theme “Light Up Rotary”. He had club positions such as Club Service Director, Secretary, and President. He received awards such as the Most Outstanding Rotaractor (Club Level), Outstanding Secretary (District Level), and Outstanding President (District Level). He also bagged the Most Outstanding Rotaractor for the RY 2018-2019 and RY 2019-2020 given by the Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente.
Immediately after his presidency, he was appointed to District Positions:
Ø In 2019 – 2020 as the District Internet and Communications Officer and District Protocol Officer
Ø In 2020 – 2021 as the District Club Service Director and District Protocol Officer
He explored the opportunities outside his district and took the courage to impart his services nationally as Public Image Associate of Pilipinas Multi-District Information Organization for the RY 2020-2021, where his expertise is branding and public image.
He is currently serving for the RY 2021-2022 with the following positions:
International Affairs Associate of Pilipinas Multi-District Information Organization
Managing Editor of Philippines Rotaract Magazine (PRM)
Rotaract Public Image Representative of Rotary International District 3860
For the RY 2022-2023, he will be serving in the district and nationally with the following designations:
Incoming District Secretary – Internal of the Rotaract Clubs Rotary International District 3860
Public Image Associate of Pilipinas Multi-District Information Organization
Managing Editor of Philippines Rotaract Magazine (PRM) for the second year as well as the Rotaract Public Image Representative of Rotary International District 3860
He is a Registered Nurse as well as a Licensed Professional Teacher. He is also an active member of the Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente and a proud rotaractor as he wholeheartedly served for the RY 2018-2019 as a President with the theme “Be The Inspiration”.
How long have you been with Rotaract?
I have been affiliated with the organization for 9 years already.
Tell me about your Rotaract journey?
My passion for volunteering, serving humanity, and leadership started in the school organization I joined. In 2013, I participated in Rotaract activities and was finally inducted during Rotary Year 2014-2015 with the theme, “Light Up Rotary”. I devoted time to attending important events of the clubs such as charter anniversary and induction even though I am working in Mindanao. I joined the activities of other rotaract clubs in District 3850, Rotaract Club of Dipolog City and from District 3870, Rotaract Club of Iligan Bay, they are like my brothers and sisters and they openly welcome me to join their clubs activities.

In your stay in Rotaract, what are the perks and advantages of being one?
First and foremost the perks and advantages of being a Rotaractor is to develop your professional skills especially how to present yourself professionally. Secondly is the new found family you built throughout the length of your stay in the organization. Lastly, you travel with a purpose and have a chance to travel locally, nationally and internationally, enjoy each location and learn from the training attended. Aside from that, the organization builds your network especially if you are a traveller because the organization exists all over the country.
What were the struggles you’ve experienced and how did you conquer it?
Struggles in the organization are inevitable. As a member, these instances help you learn and be molded to your better self. I have a lot of struggles in the club but the members are there to help me conquer it and to build a stronger connection with each of them.

Who motivated you to join Rotaract?
My motivation is our beneficiaries whom we devoted our time to be of service to. When I see the priceless smiles on their faces, it really makes your heart melt and be thankful for experiencing that moment.
What are the good pieces of advice you want to remind the new members of Rotaract?
One of the best pieces of advice I want to remind the new Rotaractors is that you, as a member of the organization, should inspire the people around you and create a lasting change.

What’s the highlight of your Rotaract life?
I have a lot of highlights such as being the president of the club where I didn’t see that coming but as what one of our Rotarians said, the position seeks itself. Secondly, when me and one past president of our club joined as an officers in the MDIO where we serve up until the present. Lastly as one of the SPEAKERS of the Rotaract Preconvention 2021 that was supposedly held in Taiwan but was made online. I am still grateful to it because it is the first time a FIlipino Rotaractor was part of the the international stage.
What are your contributions to Rotaract?
For the past years in the organization, I think I contributed a lot already, especially in terms of branding and practicing protocols in meeting and more. These are some of my contributions to the district, and hoping by these simple contributions, it may impact and inspire aspiring rotaractors of the district.
How’s your relationship to other Rotaractors and even Rotarians and Interactors?
Throughout the years my relationship to the other Rotaractors , Rotarians and interactors are close-knit because first and foremost I am a friendly person, full of positive energy. I have seen through the years that I attract a positive aura to the people and I really like to be mentored by good leaders by the organization as I impart it to my fellow rotaractors and the interactors.

What made you still stay in the organization?
Over the years I have been involved with and on the board of many community organizations but I can honestly say none have been more rewarding than my time with Rotaract and Rotary.
How are you able to mentor other members and leaders in the group?
I really love mentoring, I believe that cross-mentorship is effective because the 2 sides can learn from each other and be able to grow as a better leader in the future.

What made you a RacStar?
I gathered some thoughts from my Rotary & Rotaract friends about why I am a RACStar and here are some of their answers.
“I think most inspiring people don’t know that they inspire others in so many ways. They just simply continue to excel, fulfill their duties and responsibilities, and achieve great heights. I think you possess these qualities and that what makes you a RACstar, JN.” Quote from President Louie James Jaminal, RAC Cebu Fuente – University of San Carlos
“With his selfless dedication to Rotaract, he is undeniably a RACStar. He was the first Rotaractor to reach out to me and told me that he is willing to help me. Sometimes misunderstood, but he only wants Rotaract principles to be followed by every Rotaractor. He makes sure that everyone is aligned to what a Rotaractor should act, and how Rotaract Clubs should be. He always shines for Rotaract, at times unseen by some, but you know, he will always be there to help.” Quote from Charter President Augustus Nicko Bas, RAC San Francisco
“You have a clear vision, mission and commitment to integrity that guides you in everything you do to make a difference in Rotaract and the community.” Quote from District Rotaract Representative – Elect Stephen Leo Ferrera, RAC Metro Valencia
“He depicts a popular quote, “the brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others.” He’s one of those stars. A Jolly & Nice RacStar.” Quote from Past President Maria Joanna Victoria Gonzales, RC Mandaue East
“He connects with all the Rotaractors as well as inspires them to be an efficient leader.” Quote from President – Elect Rica Mae Hurtado
“For the love of Rotaract… ” – these were your words that stirred my senses and inspired me to continue in service. You go beyond the norms just to live up with being a dedicated Rotaractor-that’s selfless. Quote from Incoming Assistant District Rotaract Representative – Negros Gela ME Genciagan