In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is power to do it. – Marrian Williamson
This quote resonates the spirit and passion of Rotaractors, and it was very much evident in this year’s Edison Ong National (EON) Rotaract Awards launched last March during World Rotaract Week. Inspired by Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards (ROPA), the Rotary Club of Manila Magic replicated this on a local scale through a national search for outstanding service projects. This flagship project was named in honor of one of the Godfathers of Philippine Rotaract – Rotarian EDISON “MAGIC” ONG. And, it serves as a platform to encourage participation in nation-building through demonstrable and sustainable ways.
In its 5th year, the Rotary Club of Manila Magic, partnered with Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO and the Rotary Club of San Pedro Magic, RID 3820 to discover fresh takes of Rotaract Clubs in responding to complex social issues. A total of 53 project applications were received from 36 clubs nationwide. From all applications received, four (4) most outstanding projects were selected to vie for the tiers of cash grants – Runner-up to Gold prizes.
Last 2 April, project presentations and panel discussions took place via Zoom. The four (4) panelists were – from the Rotary Club of Manila Magic: Past Director Benedict Carandang, Presidential Appointee to the Board of Trustees of the Cultural Center of the Philippines; Assistant Governor Cheska Acuin, Educator and Founder of Messfree Co., from the Rotary Club of San Pedro Magic, RID 3820: Charter President Mhon Brazas, Educator and President of Hiraya Coastal Conservation Philippines; and from the Rotary Club of Banilad Metro, RID 3860: Past President Ricky Ballesteros, former Executive Director of Sinulog Foundation Inc. and CEO of Excel Events Concepts. Each panelist shared their expertise and insights to Rotaractors on how they can further improve their service projects.
The winners of the EON Rotaract Awards are as follows:

Project ABaKaDa
Rotaract Club of Santiago, RID 3770

Project F.L.I.P. (Free Literacy Intervention Program)
Rotaract Club of UP Baguio, RID 3790

Reviving Hearts of Hope
Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga, RID 3850

Makeroscope: Keychain Microscope
Rotaract Club of San Francisco Del Monte Malaya Achievers, RID 3780