Pandemic has brought havoc and chaos to the lives of the filipino people; many have lost their loved ones and some lose their motivation to live. Interactors and Rotaractors of Zamboanga City Council on other hand have proven resilience, compassion and magis towards the community. With the ambition to serve to change lives, the entirety of the council initiated a project with two sole reasons. To prove to society that organizations like Rotary cannot just stop with a pandemic and one, to continue what we have started way back before – a responsibility to help the community.
Rtr. Jaera Nicole S. Arevalo
Rotaract Club of Zamboanga City East

“Being able to join the Muruk Trail Plogging has been a very tiring but fun and fruitful experience for us. We were very thrilled and honored to help serve our community and our mother nature together with different enthusiastic Rotaract and Interact clubs, and we were also overwhelmed by the great number of participants! Trailing while picking up garbage was undeniably exhausting but the view after the hike was breathtaking and amazing! Most importantly, we were satisfied with the fact that we were able to help reduce environmental problems that could possibly root from improper garbage disposal. We are hoping for more environmental activities with different RAC and IAC clubs in the future!”
Rtr. Lanelle Bañez
Rotaract Club of Zamboanga City West

“Witnessing how unified the Rotaractors and Interactors of the different representing clubs were during the Muruk Trail Plogging, the social impact that the event had evoked implied that each member can contribute to the massive change that everyone aspires to achieve for a better cause. The Council’s initiative in pursuing the project had established a more comfortable and empowering atmosphere for all Rotaract and Interact Clubs in Zamboanga City— bridging stronger connections in changing lives together.”
LCP Reyner Isidro
Rotaract Club of Western Mindanao State University

“Completing activities with the Council of the Presidents — Murok Trail Plogging and planning appointments is one of the many opportunities in front of us that allows engagement with our community once more. The Rotaract Club of Western Mindanao State University invests its effort and resources to have collaborations with the organization in walking on the same goals and working on the vision of the Rotaract and Interact Clubs.
I am so grateful to have support from the COP, and I hope we can conduct more projects that fit the needs of our target beneficiaries and have good outcomes. Cheers! To the successes and plans of this partnership.”
LCP Isiah Rodriguez
Rotaract Club of Zamboanga City North

“Being the President of Rotaract Club of Zamboanga City North, it has been a huge honor for me to collaborate and work alongside the council because it undeniably brought new experience, learning, and fun-filled gatherings. Although, creating and being involved in numerous partnership and collaborative projects have never been new in the field of rotary, but i’d like to stress that being part of this meaningful and impactful endeavours despite all the limitations of pandemic- have proved me that nothing can ever beat young leaders who strive to make a difference and serve as medium of change in communities, fellowmen and country as a whole.”
LCP Alvin Ricalde
Rotaract Club of Southern City Colleges

“The collective efforts from different Rotaract and Interact Clubs of Zamboanga City in fulfilling a project draws significant impact not just to the community being served but to the individual clubs itself. As it helps motivate and encourages clubs to join and impart knowledge to make projects better. AS ONE BIG CLUB WITH ONE COMMON PURPOSE!”
LCP Juniel Añoso
Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga

“On behalf of our life changing club, The Rotaract Club of Metro Zamboanga. I would like to express our extremely sincere gratitude to the council for its untiring collaboration with us in pursuing different advocacies that have mostly aimed toward societal change, dynamic impact, and of developing our civic engagement.”
LCP Aldi Kyle Lacastesantos
Interact Club of Zamboanga City

“I think being part of the moving initiative of the council made me realize how we, as an interactor, despite every adversity, can make a difference through service. In just 2 years of being an interactor, the council opened my abutting eyes on horizons of countless possibilities and opportunities to connect with people who shared the same values as I do. With our recent projects, rooted with empathy and compassion, it is evident how we enjoy helping people in our own little ways.”
LCP Jomer Mukail
Rotaract Club of Universidad de Zamboanga – CES

“Through Collaboration in the Council we were able to connect with different organizations that would help the community beyond our capacity.”