Rotaract clubs across the Philippines poured financial contributions through different activities for Rotary International’s (RI) Annual Fund and End-Polio Fund. This pool of funds will be utilized for different RI global grant projects for its different avenue of services as well as for its signature initiative which is for polio immunization worldwide and other supporting activities.

As of October 24, 2021, as per Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO, the total contribution from all districts nationwide reached US$ 1,193.08, in which US$ 804.64 were given for the Annual Fund while US$ 388.44. District 3850 garnered the highest contribution for the Annual Fund at US$ 500.20 while District 3770 contributed the highest for the End Polio Fund amounting to US$ 117.65. Overall, District 3850 achieved the highest overall total The Rotary Foundation (TRF) contribution at US$ 540.20.

Citing individual clubs, Rotaract Club of Zamboanga City West of District 3850 had the highest contribution nationwide for the Annual Fund at US$ 500.20 while Rotaract Club of Central Tarlac of District 3790 had the highest donation for End Polio Fund amounting at US$ 72.00.

Rotaractors and their clubs are encouraged annually to donate for these noble initiatives of the Rotary Community and partake through the assistance of their district officers.
Credits: from Pilipinas MDIO Statistics Associate PP Shevee Resolado