In celebration of the new rotary year, the Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente-Community Based had its 14th Induction and Handover Ceremonies last August 28, 2021. The event was held virtually via zoom and more than a hundred people shared these momentous ceremonies with the club.
The club’s humble success in the past year was through the leadership of Immediate Past President Raymund Kapalac, who initiated and led the commitment to open opportunities for others which were given several recognitions during the Pilipinas Rotaract e-Convention Recognitions (PRECON 2021) and District Convention 2021 (DISCON D3860). It was a night of celebration and gratitude for truly achieving a transforming Rotary year. Congratulations to the club, all its members, and partners in service for keeping the RACCF-CB legacy going!
Rotary International Past President John Germ: “We are more today than we were yesterday. We are more knowledgeable and capable and we know, we can do more.” Rotary International Past President Ian Riseley gave congratulatory and inspiring messages for the 14th year in service above self of the Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente-Community-Based.
From transforming lives, it’s time to transition to a year of changing lives which were symbolized during the Turnover of Bell and Gavel from Transforming President Raymund to Life-Changing President Jacob Erm Jericho Dolino. Together with the club’s new members, officers and directors, they were inducted by their mother club – the Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente, who has always been supportive in walking the Rotary journey with them, this time to welcome our new mission in service to change lives.
The year’s club induction and handover ceremonies are one we would surely remember and cherish. The club is thankful to all the people who have graced and spent their Saturday night to be with them.
he Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente-Community based is honored to have again Rotary International Director Virpi Honkala during their Induction Ceremony. RI Director Virpi Honkala expresses her delight to have witnessed another milestone of the club and gave her congratulatory messages for the Transforming and Life-Changing officers. The Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente-Community Based’s 14th Induction and Handover Ceremonies was also attended by Rotarians from their mother club- Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente, District Officers of District 3860, Rotaractors from their sister clubs, and their partners in service.
Of all the people and guests during the induction, the club is especially grateful and honored by the attendance of Rotary International Past President John Germ, live from Tennessee, USA, who shared inspiring and empowering words to the members as the guest speaker. He particularly emphasizes the importance of continuity be in Rotaract and Rotary that makes us successful. He added, “That is teamwork because together we can achieve more.” RI Past President John Germ also challenged the Transforming officers, “To continue in the new leadership and to expand our reach to provide that confidence that is needed to improve the lives in our community”.
The club received as well congratulatory messages from esteemed guests: Rotary International Past President Ian Riseley and Rotary International Director Virpi Honkala. The celebration of the club is noteworthy for this was the second time RI Director Virpi Honkala attended the club’s induction.
The Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente-Community Based had taken the opportunity of the virtual set-up to connect to the world with their distinguished guests from Rotary International which sparked the beginning to elevate the club as change-makers and to signify the strength of the relationship between Rotaract and Rotary.
The ceremonies may have ended but the Life-Changing year has just begun. There are still a lot of things going on as we adapt to the new normal brought about by the pandemic but the club encourages everyone that our promise to serve and change lives transcends limits and borders. With this, we congratulate all the newly inducted Rotary and Rotaract clubs all over the world, and cheers to a life-changing year together!