Last Rotaract Year, the Adopt-a-Daycare Project brought so much joy and pride to the members of the Rotaract Club of Rodriguez. From planning to executing, it is not a question for the club to do a second take on this successful initiative.
Rotaract Club of Rodriguez had their repacking of kits at Nery’s Residence. They were very happy to finally meet face to face amidst the pandemic but certainly following the safety health protocol. Teacher Analyn was very thankful, accepting the donation during the turnover. Rotaract Club of Rodriguez were all smiles even with the face masks on for the success of their project.
Sitio Quarry Daycare is located in a far-flung area in Barangay Macabud, Rodriguez. It currently caters to around thirty preschoolers through modular distance learning, however, there have been several impediments with their learnings; aside from the limited source of electricity and water in Macabud, and the extension of the community quarantine, road accessibility is also an issue.
Rotaract Club of Rodriguez had their repacking of kits at Nery’s Residence. They were very happy to finally meet face to face amidst the pandemic but certainly following the safety health protocol. One parent cannot hide her smile even with the face mask. Teacher Analyn distributed the kit to the parents of the students on the first day of class.
The Rotaract Club of Rodriguez members join hand in hand to organize and repack the kits to be distributed to the parents of the students. Each kit consists of items that promote hand hygiene, oral hygiene, and learning. For the cleanliness and protection from any diseases of the adopted daycare, they generously donated cleaning materials, face masks and disinfectant products.
Conquering kilometers of rough roads wasn’t a hindrance to deliver kits for all the students and for them to reach out to their beneficiary. They met Teacher Analyn, the very hardworking and dedicated teacher of the daycare center. She expressed her sincere gratitude for the donation during the turnover. With this very fulfilling project that aims to help improve the student’s quality of education and welfare by providing school supplies and other needs of the chosen Daycare center, Rotaract Club of Rodriguez plans to conduct this project annually!