Past District Governor Bienvenido “Jon” Alonzo, Jr. shares his thoughts on how amazing his experience has been so far working with Rotaractors through the years. Read and learn how he mentored and advised the new generations of Rotary.
Rotaract was introduced to me upon my entry to the Rotary Club of Santa Maria 20 years ago. Then District Governor Efren Martinez formed a new Rotaract Club sponsored by my Rotary Club and from then on, I started engaging as a Rotarian and to Rotaractors as well.
Through the years, my club continues to work with the Rotaract Club of Santa Maria in many various projects. Rotaractors see in the Rotarian the opportunity to improve leadership qualities and create awareness on community development through programs and projects. They appreciate the knowledge of selfless service and interaction with other local community organizations.

As we live in the motto “Service Above Self”, Rotaractors value the Rotary way of service without anything in return. That Rotaract Clubs are organized not just for self-development, but also instill in every member the importance of sharing personal and collective blessings particularly marginalized sectors of the community.
In this way, Rotaractors as the youth members of the family of Rotary, will lead the future of Rotary’s role and inspire other youth of every community to see Rotaract as a great avenue for opportunities to grow as leaders of their own group or community, bring themselves to the place where community building is at hand, and make friendships among youth as a cornerstone in establishing a strong foundation in service to society.

And to make the relationship between Rotary Club and Rotaract Club stronger, a continued connection in many programs and activities, whether projects or fellowships, will bring stronger ties and that both clubs keep themselves parallel to their existence. Appreciation to both clubs should always be maintained and respect for each individual as part of the family of Rotary.
As in any club, Rotaract Clubs are also expected to build their club in many ways and opportunities that arises. Numbers do give a good impression on strength but I personally believe that quality of members is key in making the clubs more vigorous and vibrant. Clubs should maintain a charter strength number of members and at the same time indulge everyone in the many activities Rotaract has to offer. At this age of technology, Rotaract has the knowledge to lead in opportunities and ways to make the clubs coherent in the changing times. Continue to address the needs of each member and the club in order to keep moving forward to the goals set by your clubs.
Now that the Rotaract is accepted as PART of Rotary International, not just PARTNERS, understanding the new role of Rotaract in the world of Rotary has to be addressed as well. The elevation of Rotaract was a tremendous achievement and also responsibilities as well. The need to be part of The Rotary Foundation as donors needs more understanding. Rotaractors with restricted finances need to be aware of the importance and relevance of being a donor. It’s not just asking for donations, it’s learning to share your blessings to the organization that will help the community in the end.
Lastly, if there is any advice that I can share to the Rotaractors, these are: ENJOY your time and friendship with the club, PARTICIPATE in many activities and programs as much as you can, SHARE your knowledge and skills to others so that you can lead others to share as well, and GROW WITH ROTARY for in Rotary, you are a family of selfless serving youth.
Interview by JN. Vianney Dagandan