I used to sing along to Taylor Swift’s “August” so loud before, mainly because of the line “To live for the hope of it all,” silently hoping (and even begging myself) to never lose the spark of hope I cling onto no matter how messy and tumultuous the world can be.
Unfortunately, it’s so hard to grab the rope of hope when the weight of the universe lies heavy on your back.

But the recent Interact Ryla Bootcamp reminded me that we can always be hopeful—that this world is filled with young leaders willing to go the extra mile just to give you the rope of hope while lifting your burden with you and for you.
I witnessed it unfold before my eyes, especially during the HOPE-Mazing Exercises and Games with my team, “TUKMO: Tutok Modaog” on the first day of the boot camp.
The facilitators flagged eight different stations for different purposes, namely:
Station 1: Coat of Arms – To develop self-awareness
One of the most serene stations where we get to know each other by sharing some interesting parts of ourselves. We discovered a few similarities in the process; somehow, we always find a piece of ourselves in other people—and I think it’s beautiful.
Station 2: Follow – Mind, Body, Spirit Alignment
I’m so happy with the outcome of this station: we were apparently one of the few who got minimal errors. Also, it’s so fun to challenge ourselves and share a game plan to win the game—and we did!

Station 3: Move MBS – Synergy
This is the most physically challenging station; we could feel the exhaustion after performing the tasks! But the fulfillment that came with it was incomparable since we were among the fastest to accomplish it. Even amidst the tiredness, the spirit of teamwork prevailed.
Station 4: Wheel – Optimal Development
Perhaps the most serene and peaceful station that takes you on a date with yourself—as if you’re not in the boot camp, but at the same time, you’re completely aware that you are indeed in the boot camp. It’s like being surrounded by other people but you can feel your own energy surging through. It allows us the time to reflect on the different aspects of life that we need to pour our time and attention into.
Station 5: Basketball – Goal Setting
As someone who’s not sporty, this station oddly excites me the most! Maybe it’s because I’m with new people whom I can share this experience with. While we didn’t surpass the highest points from the other group, the fun-filled air lingered even after playing.

Station 6: Flip Tarp – Team Development
This was the first station that our team had to go to—where we first established the foundation of our relationship dynamic. We were tasked to flip a carpet without stepping out of it, and as someone who participated in a similar game from our previous team building in a different organization, I immediately relayed the trick. Mind you: we were one of the fastest groups to succeed in the challenge!
Station 7: Marshmallow – Best way to approach a problem
Probably the most challenging station we encountered, but we managed to pull through! We were initially clueless about how to strategize, but with the ideas and suggestions we collated, the team was able to build a sturdy pasta stick with a marshmallow on top. Steady and relentless—that’s how we approach a problem.
Station 8: Charades – Understanding Emotions
Pretty familiar and fun station. Although we didn’t get to answer all the phrases we needed to transfer to the other end of the line, we didn’t mind. What matters is we smiled, laughed, and had a wonderful time!
All throughout the varied games, one consistency remained steadfast: each of my teammates’ eagerness to help one another amidst the bone-crushing pressure.
While winning is an important aspect of every leader’s journey, the biggest factor to assess one’s passion for service is the way they carry the team.
And where did it lead us? We bagged awards in every competition throughout the boot camp!

HOPE-Mazing Race Team Building Activity – Grand Champion
Environment Project Proposal Competition – Grand Champion
RYLA Next Got Talent – 2nd Place
Who would’ve thought that one unexpected experience could significantly change my perspective of hope?
May we all find the courage to continue hoping even during the darkest of times.
To live for the hope of it all—most especially during the darkest of times.