Last July 29, 2023, The Rotaract Club of Morong-SIC joined and supported the project of the Rotary Club of Morong together with Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Rizal RSM, BHW, JRU School of Law LSPs., Dra. Manlyn Aquino Angeles and Ms. Bene Rose Sulapas, with their project with a purpose of helping and informing the community, specifically the pregnant women and their child, about the importance of Maternal and Child Health Care. The Project was held at Tomas Claudio Memorial Elementary School (TCMES) Covered Court, Morong, Rizal.

This project was entitled as “BIDA BEST BUNTIS: Ligtas ang may alam.” It is a Maternal and Child Health Project where it aims to provide knowledge about the importance of health care not only to the women, but also the child or the baby. And by health care, it doesn’t only focus on the physical aspect, it also covers the mental, emotional, and psychological health of the mother and child. The speaker of the seminar focused on pointing out these aspects so they will be aware of the things that need to be remembered all throughout their pregnancy period. They were informed about the possible options or actions that they can take in regards to their personal experiences and worries during this stage.

After the program/seminar, the Rotaract Club of Morong-SIC helped in distributing kits, food, vitamins, and others to all of the attendees. The club made sure that each one of them, from mothers to their children with them, were accommodated very well before they could go back to the comfort of their home.

Through this project, the club was able to help and share information to its beneficiaries which fulfilled one area of focus relating to Maternal and Child Health.