Children have a right to a safe and happy environment. Whether for playing or for learning, giving them an avenue to enjoy their youth makes their childhood an unforgettable experience. Thus, all children must have access to basic needs to feel safe and be joyful.

In line with this, last July 13, 2023 (Thursday), the Pilipinas Rotaract Multi-District Information Organization (MDIO) led by Chair Richard Jeric Chua was invited to support AEON Fantasy Group Philippines, Inc. and Kidzooona’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Kids & Baby Dreamland through “Sponsor a Child: School Supplies Giving Drive.”

The Kidzooona Mobile Dreamland CSR program catered at least 2,365 beneficiaries from the different orphanages, child development centers, and public elementary schools in Makati and Manila.

One hundred (100) school supplies were distributed by the Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO through the initiative of Chair Richard Jeric Chua with the assistance of District Rotaract Representative Bhon Mar Balois from District 3780, Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO Programs Development Associate/CP Vincent Lorenzo Naval, Learning and Development Chief/IPDRR Maria Teddielyn Bernadette Lebrias, and Rotaractors from the Rotaract Club of San Francisco Del Monte Malaya Achievers (D3780), Rotaract Club of Makati (D3830), and Rotaract Club of Muntinlupa Central (D3830), wherein the distribution covered the 3 batches of children on that day. Other Rotaractors from the aforementioned Rotaract clubs helped in guarding and assisting the children to avoid accidents while they were playing.

The Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO would like to thank Mr. Rhode Neil Lorca of Karkonz Builders and Consultancy for linking the organization to AEON Fantasy Group Philippines, Inc. and Miss Jen M. Kawasaki, Manager of the Special Project Department for the partnership.