“Why do you want to join Rotaract?”
I can vividly recall the details of how I laughed while I explained my answer in front of ten diverse young people that very Saturday I decided to join the Rotaract Club. Some would flippantly exclaim, “Food!” while others would answer, “I want to meet new friends.” Then, there was me who said, in eloquence, with my ideal visions, “Teaching online is exhausting. Like I used to, I have to take action and show compassion to the community through Rotaract.”
It was August of 2020, at the height of the pandemic, together with new recruits, when I volunteered for a Clean Up-Drive activity in the club’s adopted high school. Masked on, I was there on my first-ever Rotaract engagement, finally able to go outside after the strict community quarantine, taking my first steps in my mission of finding new purpose in life.
While COVID-19 pandemic greatly challenged our personal lives and the society, it also give me the realization that everyone has a responsibility to the community where one belongs in the world. While my personal story, as others would say is inspirational—being a tuberculosis survivor to being the most outstanding graduate and now, a license professional teacher—it was in Rotaract that I found that a life worth living is a life shared with others. Similarly, my role as an educator today go beyond the four walls of the classroom; a teacher must also look after the welfare of the community. Joining the Rotaract Club bestowed me a great platform to put my visions into action. Rotaract leads me to a deeper understanding of the matter I strongly believe in: I am not just a teacher. I am, too, a community leader who possessed the skill and passion to initiative to actively participate in movements for better change in the community.

RAC Marapara’s commitment to protect the environment is brought into action through quarterly mangrove planting activities in adopted coastal communities all throughout Negros Occidental, Philippines.
For three years now, my heart beats for the programs and projects I participated in through the Rotaract Club of Marapara. Aligned through Rotary’s areas of focus, the club successfully sponsored sustainable initiatives for the people and the planet—tree and mangrove planting, feeding programs, livelihood projects, medical missions, community outreach, and fundraisings. My pursuit for excellence allows me to portray different roles in the society: an advocate for the environment and HIV awareness, an encourager and counselor, a source of inspiration.
The mantra of ‘Service Above Self’ I always believe is a good cross reference to the teachings of Jesus that must be reflected in our character and in our roles as educators and leaders. Through Rotaract, I have contemplated that one must emulate the Good Samaritan to make a difference: we must show the same compassion to our neighbors who are our family, our friends, our colleagues regardless of their gender, race, religion, socio-economic status, and other aspects of life that divide humanity. Through the parable, Jesus taught us about showing kindness to others, that our neighbor can be anyone who is in need, and above all, we must go as far as we can to help, unconditionally.
As people of action, we are called and we are chosen to help, to empower, to inspire, and to transform the lives. We lead others to follow the Lord’s commandment, as He said in Luke 10:27, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”

Quality teacher, quality leader—Sir Salvador teaching the children during the #ProjectAgapay community outreach for the victims of Typhoon Odette in Sipalay, Negros Occidental, Philippines.
For the years to come, Rotary would continue in serving as the backbone of society. I imagine a One Rotary—a community of role models who manifests passion and excellence, and offers guidance to the community through the power of education. I envision Rotarians and Rotaractors to be the catalysts of change who inspire the community to step up in all aspects of life. I dream of a better and progressive Philippines.
It is our mission together as leaders to show acts of love and kindness, spark the light and bring positive changes to the community where we belong in the world. We, as One Rotary, the harbingers of hope and champions of purpose, are the Modern Good Samaritan!