Originally, Rotary Clubs of RI District 3450 planned to organize a market, which would have let Rotarians and Rotarctors to set up stores on a huge co-working place about culture aspects. Unfortunately, this idea was cancelled due to limitations of events with people—like huge gatherings—due to COVID.

As Rotarians, we never stop our service with all stakeholders, including our Rotaractors. Through the guidance and efforts of our District Governor Keith Chow and proper coordination with Youth Service Chairperson/PP Menza Chu, all Rotary Clubs showed their generous support to execute the project successfully on 18 March 2021.
That night, there were different celebrities who performed on the show. Apart from that, there was a huge lucky draw. The gifts included Ipad mini, hotel staycation, electronic appliances and others. Leaders were thankful for the big-heartedness of the Rotarians as they were the sponsors of the said prizes.

As Rotarians and Rotaractors, who always expose ourselves outside of our homes, we also have to look for the safety of our health by not conducting large events that will make us free from harm. Despite the limitations brought about by the pandemic, we have to be optimistic, that our goal will still be achieved. Rotarians and Rotaractors are known for being tenacious, people who do not easily give up.
Always remember: Stay healthy and think positive.
The author, Olivia Yip, is from the Rotary District 3450, Hong Kong, Macau, Monogolia and China –Guangdong providence.