The most anticipated second semester of Pilipinas Rotaract Branding Academy finally commenced!
On the 29th of January 2022, Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO hosted the second semester of “Pilipinas Rotaract Branding Academy.” This semester, the Life-Changing speakers discussed the “People of Action Campaign” and “Areas of Focus.” It opted to upskill the Rotaractors to establish an adequate image for the club they are representing and to the entirety of Rotaract.

The Zoom webinar kicked off on a Saturday, around two in the afternoon, with more than a hundred attendees from various districts. All the attendees were ecstatic to be a part of the event for they were all attentive. It started with a short ice breaker and was followed by the call to order, the invocation, and the singing of the national anthem. Furthermore, the opening remarks were given by Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO Chair Manuel Joseph “MJ” Franco, which was then followed by a recap of the first semester and the introduction of the first speaker by Public Image Associate Nilo Sabillo.

The first speaker of the webinar, PP Mark Gil Cato, the Branding and Communications Associate, discussed the importance and the guidelines for the “People of Action Campaign.” He highlighted four guidelines to consider, namely: choosing the right verb, having an up to par photo and caption, developing a body copy, and creating the ad. Those mentioned were the essential key ingredients to showcase that Rotaractors are people of action.

The second speaker, PP Nilo Sabillo, tackled the “Areas of Focus” and the different icons and colors associated with each area. Moreover, a visual guide was also shown to better explain the utilization of white and black icons, icons with light and dark backgrounds, and the icon orders in different variations.

To wrap up the whole event, PDRR MJ Franco said his closing remarks. Certificates of recognition to the speakers were given and the winners of the previous games/raffle were also announced. The second semester was adjourned and all of the Rotaractor attendees left the webinar with eminent joy for they were enlightened.