The world became bigger on the day that I decided to take up AB Foreign Service Major in Diplomacy at the Lyceum of the Philippines University, but joining Rotaract made it walkable. Being a student of international relations made me see the world from a much-privileged perspective; I became aware of different global issues such as armed conflicts, health-related issues, social issues, politics, climate change, and the total annihilation of mankind by nuclear bombs.

International relations students are expected to deal with these issues in the future as Diplomats or professionals of the field. We studied different inter-governmental organizations such as the United Nations and ASEAN among others. Learning how these organizations deal with problems faced by different nation-states exposes us to concerns such as poverty, hunger, and violence; problems that the families face in their homes. It opened our eyes to the role of the national and local governments in attaining inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Rotaract made me relate more to what I am studying and more importantly, it gave me the chance to apply what I’ve learned; by working with my fellow Rotaractors in pushing the world towards the global goal of improving the lives of the people who reside in it. It made me witness how a non-governmental organization and a global actor play a role on the international stage. Rotaract allowed me to experience what it is like to take action on the world’s pressing issues. It opened my eyes to the importance of taking action and working with other people for the service of others. Seeing what an international organization can do in dealing with global problems, sparks hope in me—that there is a possibility that different countries can work together for a common future.

Rotaract is a testimony that people from different countries can work together regardless of race, culture, religion, and differences. Rotaract diminishes the issues in these things and urges fellowship through service. Because of Rotaract, I did not just become a better IR student or a much-prepared professional in the field of IR, it also made me get down from the ivory tower of International Relations; I became much more of a “human” being.