Rotaractors are heroes but they are not superman. Being a Rotaractor does not make you invulnerable to the problems that our society is facing. Sadly, we are all born in the same sea but not in the same boat. We are all affected by different difficulties in life ranging from health-related to finance-related problems. We all get sick, sad, and sometimes even challenged by huge obstacles in life. Perhaps one of the most pressing issues Rotaractors faces right now is employment.

Ever since the pandemic started, unemployment here in the Philippines went up as far as 17.6% last April 2020, only going down as far as 6.5% last November 2021. Furthermore, most if not all Rotaractors belong to an age group that is still in the process of choosing or preparing for their careers to be. Employment is one of our main sources of worry as it is our future. As Rotaractors it also means as one of the sources that we can utilize in helping our community.

Rotaract Clubs can be a bridge to the career that we want. We can help our members to prepare in this what we call “adulting” stage that we will all eventually face. After all, our Clubs should also be considered as one of our support systems. Clubs can organize seminars or training that help their beneficiaries and members develop skills that are demanded in the 4th industrial revolution. Companies right now expect digital literacy among its applicants; the skill to navigate technologies became a must. If health protocols will allow, these clubs can even do a District-wide career expo in their area. Even as small as teaching our club members how to prepare a resume or being available for questions related to careers places them a step ahead towards their goals and aspirations. Even viewed as little actions, these things can be a huge help to someone who lacks them.

One of the ways that we can strengthen the fellowship in our clubs is by helping one another. By empowering our members, we empower our clubs, our community, and eventually, Rotaract. If we can help other people, then what’s stopping us from helping our fellow members? After all, we are all Rotaractors.