When the going gets tough, the tough get going. One of the best things about being a Rotaractor is to always take action and use time, talent, and treasure in any given circumstance. These past 2 years have changed the way lives are lived but the only thing constant is to use these changes to keep growing, keep thriving and keep serving. Let’s hear some thoughts from hardworking Rotaractors who had life changing career and work experiences.
Giselle Figuracion
Former Project Manager turned Private Duty Nurse | RAC SFDM Malaya Achievers | District 3780

I can’t say that I am not happy with my previous career, I just didn’t feel my purpose in life until pandemic happened. Most of the employees in our country were forced to work from home. In my case, staying at home while working became more stressful and unproductive. I can’t appreciate myself as a virtual worker. My daily routine became boring, I felt stagnant and I am hungry to learn new things.
With that being said, I took the chance to study online classes in related to Nursing Healthcare Programs under TESDA and passed NC2 assessments. Luckily after 3 weeks of passing the assessments, I landed a job as Private Duty Nurse to Covid patients. At first it’s never easy but as each day passes, I fell in love with every aspect of what I am as a nurse. I began to realize how rewarding it is to be able to make people who are sick and uncomfortable feel better. I found myself empowering and supporting patients and families to know that they are able to get through everything and even serving patients at the end of their life. It is truly a privilege to have this career and I found God’s purpose to serve and inspire my brethren in the community.
Adonis Evan Basa Jr
Licensed Financial Advisor, Event Host, Forum Moderator | Rotaract Club of San Juan Del Monte Premier | District 3800

It is not easy to be in sales at a time of a pandemic. However, because I am driven by my advocacy, I will hurdle through any obstacle to get my message across. This career made me realize and see on a world scale the negative implications of the bad financial management practices that have been handed down from generations before us. We must break the chain and we must take action to achieve true financial freedom. About myself, I learnt how persistent I could be. How passionate I truly am, and how true I am to my advocacies and mission.
Five things that I believe are most important during the pandemic.
First is MANAGE YOUR HEALTH. Make sure that you are eating, drinking healthy, not eaten by your anxiety and always be in control of your response to the different stimuli around us. Acknowledge your feelings and frustrations, celebrate your wins. Your health is not always physical but also mental, emotional, even spiritual.
Second, MANAGE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, be it with your significant other/s, your families, and friends. Make sure that you have your support group and likewise, you are somebody’s safe space. All we got is each other’s backs.
Third, MANAGE YOUR FINANCES. We are in the middle of uncertainty where our health, economy, safety, and rights are affected. By ensuring that you are free from financial loss, you are ensuring that your family and you are free to live a comfortable life.
Fourth, ADVOCATE. During these times, many people are unheard and violated. We must continue to advocate for the rights of every man. We are our brothers’ keepers. We must look out for one another in order to foster a community of support and harmony.
Fifth and finally, BE OKAY. Of course, we must first acknowledge and deal with our problems. Take some time if needed be because we cannot give what we do not have. You cannot be there for others when you are lost. You must first live a healthy and meaningful life to be able to give others a healthy and meaningful life. You must first be okay because the world needs you. Now more than ever.
Genesis S. Marzan

Graphic Designer and Multimedia Section Supervisor | Rotaract Club of Uptown Dagupan 2000 | District 3790
Pandemic won’t stop us to live and reaching our goals. Focus on your strength and learn to know your weaknesses. Maximize your skills and talent since it will give you more opportunities. Always remember, if you love what you are doing then no pandemic is an obstacle for you to grow. Learn to adapt to changes and turn them to be your advantage, not a disadvantage. Try to discover new things that would help you as an individual and don’t feel hesitate to impart them to others especially to your fellow Rotaractors.
Ellen Tribunsay
Customer Service Representative | Rotaract Club of Metro Bacolod | District 3850

I get to be more empathetic because of my current job. I was able to have the sense of urgency and accountability for the tasks given to me. With these traits, we are able to create more doors for development. We would be able to deeply understand what our beneficiaries’ or even our members’ needs. We will gain trust and confidence from people we serve and partner with. Let’s all be inspired and in love with what we are currently doing, to have the heart for community service.
Jasmin Ann Legaspi Hallazgo
Merchant Officer- Account Officer | Rotaract Club of Carmen Valley | District 3870

As a merchant officer, part of my work is to do daily visits to our merchants either in mall or outskirts area. The risk and challenge is always there because I know I can be or be exposed to carriers of the virus. But by being extra careful and following the health protocols, I was able to overcome this challenge at work.
Same can be said about my Rotaract duties. It was during my term where in pandemic started and it was not really a good start for me and for all of us. We don’t know what to do at first because everything was new to us but I was very thankful for my club members and officers for being cooperative during that time and until now. We were able to conduct projects and activities without violating any health protocols. We were able to conduct projects related to what is happening in our community.
Aaron Blanco
Sales- Printing | Rotaract Club of Malate | District 3810

Best and greatly underrated practices I could share are meditation and exercise. Both activities allow you to take control of yourself against all the pressures and negativities that you may encounter. It sets you right before you go about pursuing your goals.
Christy Bacoto
Virtual Executive Assistant | Rotaract Club of Cagayan de Oro East Urban | District 3870

First on the list of challenges I encountered this pandemic is probably being burnt out. It was so bad even I, the master of denial, could not deny it anymore. Doing the usual of appeasing my mind and soul through retail therapy, binge watching movies and other forms of self-care was just not doing it. I had to take a break from everything. So I did. I took some time off from work and indulged myself in hobbies and things I have always wanted to try. Most of all, I allowed myself to feel all the emotions. I gave myself permission to grieve over people and opportunities lost. I gave myself permission to cry and sleep and rest. I decided that even with the self-perceived superwoman that I saw myself as, I was still human.
Best practice is to take some time off for self-love and self-care. Our minds can get sick and get tired too. It’s okay to rest for a bit. As much as we want to serve others and help make a change, we cannot pour from an empty cup.
Robin Justine Recio
General Accountant | Rotaract Club of Millennial Sampaguita Grace Park | District 3800

One of the challenges that I’ve encountered in my profession is when I started my new work in a full work from home setup. Accounting is not something that can be done when taught verbally, it needs supervision in some days because on wrong entry of data may affect series of numbers. I have struggled contacting my supervisor and we can’t communicate well due to weak signal connection. I overcome that by taking extra time to research on my own and reaching out to some of my officemate’s help rather than rely on my supervisor alone.
My best advice is to always think outside the box. Not everything is limited on what you see. If you can’t find a way, perhaps you can create one.
Gela Genciagan
Banker | Rotaract Club of Tolong | District 3860

I have been a banker for 6 years now and my role is considerably one of the essential yet delicately complex professions that fuels our economy right now. Although the interaction of our transactions are mostly customary, it’s the promising stories from our clients that makes our day even more engaging. Some stories are successful and some can spark initiatives for Rotaract to address. Communication simply creates worthwhile opportunities for us to extend our service.
Kert Nhajzr S Priagula
Banker| Rotaract Club of Iloilo South | District 3850

In the banking industry, I meet different people with different passions in life. I believe we can learn from people we encounter in our day to day lives. With their various experience and expertise, they can be valuable resource speakers for future seminars that my club will conduct.
Don Carlo Bravo B. Cuya
College Instructor with Administrative Function | Rotaract Club of Batangas Mid-West | District 3820

When coming up with community support efforts this season, it’s best to come up with something sustainable. I always prefer more the long-term, continuous projects because you can truly see positive effects and the lasting impact that can felt by the community and beneficiaries.