Ed’s Note (Sept’ 24)

By Mark Anthony General | Posted on September 14, 2024

As we embrace the month of September, we shine a spotlight on one of the most transformative areas of focus of Rotary: Basic Education and Literacy.

This month reminds us of the immense power that education holds—not only as a means to personal growth but as a foundation for building stronger, more resilient communities. Literacy is more than just the ability to read and write; it’s the doorway to opportunity, self-reliance, and progress.

This month, I call on all Rotaractors to step forward and create “The Magic of Rotary” by championing education in our communities. Whether it’s through organizing tutoring sessions, donating books, or developing literacy programs in schools, your efforts have the potential to transform lives. Each small action you take to uplift learners and promote literacy is part of a larger ripple effect that leads to long-term positive change.

The world is constantly evolving, and so too must our commitment to ensuring that every child, youth, and adult has access to quality education. Let this month inspire you to think of creative and impactful ways to contribute. Together, we can be the spark that ignites a lifelong love for learning and empowers individuals to achieve their dreams.

Let us make the magic of Rotary come alive through our collective actions. Every project, every initiative, and every book we share brings us closer to a world where education and literacy are within reach for all. So let’s unite, act, and inspire—because together, we can create magic.

In Rotaract Service,


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