Fostering Growth and Collaboration: A Rotarian’s Perspective on Rotary-Rotaract Synergy

By Proofread by: Belle Ashley Macalintal | Posted on June 24, 2024

PP Jed Concepcion, a distinguished Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate from the University of the East, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Rotary community. With numerous certifications, including being a Certified Acronis Engineer and a Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Jed has held various leadership roles in engineering and IT. His journey through academia and industry has been complemented by his active involvement in Rotary, where he has served in several capacities, including Club President and District Rotaract Chair.

In this article, PP Jed answers questions, offering invaluable advice on how Rotarians and Rotaractors can continue to collaborate.

As a part of Rotary for 7 years, what would you say is the best thing about being a Rotarian?
The best things are the bond, friendship among Rotarians / Rotaractors, experience and
growth in terms of professional, personality and leadership.

As a leader who creates hope for the world, what do you think are the ideal characteristics of a Rotarian should a Rotaractor emulate?
Everyone can be the hope for the world, every individual that possess the idea of Service above self can be a hope for the world. The ideal characteristics of a Rotarian should a Rotaractors emulate is the professionalism in action and other aspect.

What are some ways that Rotarians and Rotaractors can work together effectively?
There are a lot ways a Rotarian and Rotaractors can work together. In Club Service Project, In Professional Development, In Leadership Development, Vocational Development, Strategic Planning and a lot more.

How will you strengthen the relationship between Rotary Clubs and their sponsoring Rotaract Clubs? How can you encourage Rotarians and Rotaractors to form good working relationships?
The key factor to strengthen the relationship between Rotary Club and sponsored Rotaract Club is the constant communication and establishing effective communication. By doing this, they can easily understand needs of both sides.

In Rotary, networking, collaboration, and cooperation are essential. What advice would you give to Rotaract Clubs that wish to expand their network for better project implementation?
Maximize the available platform to showcase your Club Project. The club may post the project proposal to Rotary Showcase, they can use social media to call for partners and sponsors, they can present their project to different Rotaract / Rotary Clubs for possible partnership. But before that, they must plan a high impact, sustainable and long term (if possible) project, a community need assessment may help to formulate outstanding service project.

What will you suggest to the Rotaractors to increase their donation to the Rotary Foundation and End Polio?
First you need to check your members and club financial capacity. If your club is not financial stable, you can do fund raising activity intended to donate the proceeds to TRF. There is a lot of fund raising activities such as block screening, online selling, concert, ukay –ukay, recycling etc. The most important is that Rotaract members understand the importance and benefits of donating to the Rotary Foundation and End Polio. Even a small amount if all Rotaractors will donate to TRF it will create big impact.

What do you think inspires Rotaractors to become Rotarians? How will you influence Rotaractors to continue their leadership journey as Rotarians?

For me, the Fellowship and camaraderie among the group of experienced Rotarians. In my experience as young Rotarians, indirectly they thought me a lot of new things, in business, in my profession, in leadership, in collaboration and networking and a lot more.

What advice will you leave to the young leaders who are just starting their journey as part of Rotary International? This question applies to both dual members and newly inducted Rotaractors.

Just enjoy the Rotaract experience. If you enjoy what you are doing in the organization, I’m sure you will stay. I stayed 13 years to Rotaract before I joined Rotary Club because I enjoyed the fellowship and experience during my Rotaract years.

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