As the New Rotary Year begins, Rotary and Rotaract clubs throughout the world are preparing to embark on a journey of service, friendship, and the unwavering belief that they can Create Hope in the World. Rotaractors are set to meet the challenges that lie ahead, making a meaningful difference and creating possibilities in their communities in the new Rotary Year with their commitment to service above self.
With 2023-2024 Rotary International President R. Gordon R. McInally urged members to grab the world’s attention and open opportunities for possibilities that exceed our current expectations.
“The goal is to restore hope — to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves,” McInally said at Rotary’s annual training event for incoming district governors.
He was inspired by the people that he met with in Ban Taling Chan, Thailand, where Rotary members helped with the construction of houses, a meeting hall, and childcare and health care facilities following the 2004 tsunami that devastated South Asia.

With his advocacy on Promoting Peace and Focusing on Mental Health, he utilized the power of continuity to instill a new sense of urgency in their clubs, assisting Rotary in realizing its objective of a polio-free world. McInally also stated that Rotary should provide hope to individuals suffering from mental health issues, which have been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Working to strengthen mental health services in the coming year. Rotary should be known as a service organization that cares for both its members and the people it serves.

The transition from “Imagine Rotary” to “Create Hope in the World” is Rotaract’s consistent commitment to making a significant impact. It represents a transition from imagining to creating and from possibilities to tangible impact. As Rotaract clubs embrace this transformation, they embark on a journey that will influence lives, uplift communities, and inspire hope in the hearts of people around the globe. Just like how McInally ended his speech, “By continuing what we do best, by remaining open and willing to change, and by keeping our focus on building peace in the world and within ourselves, Rotary helps create a more peaceful world — a more hopeful world.”