The word “autism” is derived from the Greek word “autos,” which means “self” or more literally, “alone.” In a sense, individuals suffering from autism and their families are alone – and most often, lonely – in dealing with this unfortunate condition. For starters, there is no shortage of misconceptions about the illness itself. It afflicts certain groups based on race and biological sex. It is caused by vaccines. It is caused by parental behavior, particularly during the mother’s pregnancy. Perhaps the worst of them all is the stigma surrounding persons with this condition – they will only degenerate further, and will only cause further burden upon their families and society as a whole.

Now for the cold, hard, but important facts: the condition is a range or sequence of varying degrees – hence why it is officially called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). One of 68 children are statistically diagnosed with ASD, of whom males are five times more likely to have it than females. It has to be made clear, though, that autism cuts across all ethnic and racial lines. It is, and has never been, associated with any previously administered vaccines. Parents do not and cannot cause autism. While there is no medical cure for it thus far, autism can be treated; the earlier it is detected, the better. And most important, persons with ASD can improve and become more productive members of society.

It is with this goal in mind – to help set the record straight about ASD by fostering awareness about the facts – that last January 21, 2023, members of the Rotaract Club of Cebu Fuente, both in person and on Zoom, joined the Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente and the Rotary Club of Cebu Guadalupe during the Autism Awareness Seminar on the fourth floor of the Cebu City Hall building. Past President Atty. Bernz Amago discussed the legal rights and privileges accorded to persons with disabilities (PWDs), of which those afflicted with autism fall under; Spouse Co-Chair Sandra Espina discussed the signs and symptoms of autism; and REACH Center behaviorist Socorro Deligero discussed the stereotypy in autism.
With autism being a long-time advocacy of the Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente, this was yet another indication of the organization’s unhesitating desire to help provide much-needed awareness, information, and learnings that will certainly be of tremendous help to individuals and families with special-needs children. The unparalleled commitment of Rotary’s devotion to service – as exemplified by the Cebu Fuente Rotary’s and Rotaract’s commitment to ASD persons – is a truly wonderful example to emulate.