Ferocious acts wrought against women and children have been magnanimously rampant in the society. This worldwide barbarity has been silenced by the ironic conservatism and unjust leniency of intergenerational civilization. When a deceitful perpetrator tells a dupable child to enter a room with him, she would blindly oblige, unaware of the perpetrator’s agenda, oblivious of the fact that setting foot in that blasphemous room is the precipice of her doom. In this matter of alarming situation, more often than not, people deliberately turn a blind eye to exclude themselves out of that triggering conflict yet would cast judgements ruthlessly. Imagine the countless women who buried the violence that gashed them eternally, violated as early as their childhood innocence, within themselves to save face from the condemnation thrown against them by the murderous victim-blaming society.

Hopefully, with how much the world grows progressively into a modernized, technology-driven sphere, the realization of women’s entitlement that goes along its growth would gradually assimilate the idea that the violence against women and children and how it affects them should never be condoned—a significant breakthrough to freeing themselves of the irony of fear inflicted by social constructs that have been excruciatingly deceiving them into thinking that this is nothing to make a fuss about, taking advantage of their unsuspecting minds. In this modern generation, the world is able to absorb information from across the borders and soon enough, gone would be the days of catastrophic deprecation as women finally brave their ways to stand up and speak up for themselves.

Raising awareness to make people ponder further about this talk point, as soon as possible, is an absolute necessity for the proponents to recognize their rights. Realizing this timely and provocative issue, the Rotaract Club of Metro Sorsogon integrated a simple program in celebration of the 54th World Rotaract Week to contribute in educating the youth about this very cause, in collaboration with Rtn. and lawyer, Atty. Jessica Alcante, who unreluctantly imparted such a substantial discussion about Violence Against Women and Children, laying out in the open what women could do to protect themselves and their children against sinful offenders with the law as their ally. This is the ultimate women’s quantum leap, a fiercer combat to win over liberty.